Sunday, November 30, 2014

Understanding How To Get Your Children To Enjoy Reading


Many parents want their children to enjoy reading books, but at the same time, many parents are unable to achieve this goal! When your kids read, they are able to expand their minds and their capacity for learning while also enjoying themselves; but at the same time, if you push your kids to read, you will probably find that they see it as a "chore" and that they only do it when they have to! You will follow success if you follow these tips, as your children will begin to not only read, but to enjoy reading as well!

One of the first things you will need to remember is the fact that children often tend to push back against the things they are told they "have to" do. At the same time, however, children have a tendency to want to mimic their parents - enjoying the things their parents enjoy. If you want your children to read - and to enjoy reading - you must realize that it has to be their choice, not yours! When you are around your children, spend time reading; in time, you will find that they want to sit with you and read as well.

Another way to encourage your children to enjoy reading is to treat reading as a treat, rather than treating it as a task. There are a couple different ways by which you can accomplish this, but the earliest way by which you can start accomplishing this is by reading to them even before they can read on their own. As you do this, your children will start to associate reading with fun, and with special memories and special times. You can also "reward" your children for good behavior by allowing them to read as they start to learn to read themselves. One of the most effective ways to do this is to allow your children 30 minutes of "reading time" before bed if they have done all their homework and chores!

Wanting your children to read is an excellent goal, but you must remember that you cannot force them to do it, or they will be unlikely to enjoy it! It has to be their choice, and it has to be seen as a treat!

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